Before cooking, you need the following ingredients:
- A Chinese ID card
- A live face (matching the Chinese ID card) ; OR ; A photo that the person holding the ID card
- A Chinese VPN (excluding Hong Kong). Search for "云电脑" to buy a cheap Chinese VPS, and deploy shadowsocks on it.
- A Chinese Phone number, that able to receive SMS. And possibly, might need to send outbound SMS.
Follow the steps carefully.
- 必须去腾讯官网下载中国版的qq APK最新版, 不能用Google Play版, 不能用旧版. 准备一个中国VPN.
- 预先测试好, 中国VPN有效. (访问ipinfo.io检查ip地址) remote DNS设置为中国的DNS
- 设置magisk的Denylist, 禁止手机qq整个apk的所有模块检测root.
- 关闭vpn状态下, 进行登录, 通过验证图片, 点击开始解冻按钮, 进入小程序
- 填写身份验证解冻, 填写好身份证信息之后, 打开vpn, 确认VPN已经连接, 再点击下一步
- 此时开始刷脸. 如果刷脸通过, good. 如果刷脸不通过需要复核, 请注意:
- 关闭中国VPN
- 填写表格前, 千万不要点到输入框. 必须先点击下方, 身份证图片的示例, 查看示例之后点左上角的后退按钮, 然后上传手持身份证照片.
- 照片上传好之后, 滑到最上方, 开始填表. 千万不要点到"复核理由解释"那个大框框.
- 填写好所有其他部分, 填写好验证码, 并且打勾同意之后. 把页面拉到正确的位置, 必须能同时看到"复核理由解释"文本框和提交按钮. 注意: 一旦碰触那个文本框, 页面就再也不能滑动了.
- 这时点击复核理由解释的文本框, 把预先写好的解释粘贴进去. 此时页面已经不能滑动了, 打开中国VPN, 然后再点击下方露出一点点的提交按钮, 提交.
- 签名, 点最后一次的提交按钮时必须打开中国VPN, 否则会说网络错误
After unblocking
Be prepared to be blocked again! You must acknowledge the undeniable fact: Tencent is unreliable.
You should not waste your time to fuck with Tencent again. Make sure you are not putting anything valuable in Tencent!
- Backup all your data (QQ group numbers, Friend numbers)
- Buy many QQ accounts, and add all of them into your QQ group. If one accounts got banned, you can still access your friends with other accounts.
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