P.R.China government polluted the domain 'recolic.net' at 2019-08-29 09:40:00 UTC. Now, you're not supported by recolic.net ANYMORE if:
1. You're using P.R.China DNS service.
2. OR you're using a good DNS service in P.R.China with PLAIN TCP or UDP. Please use DNS over TLS or HTTPS if you're in P.R.China.
You're always supported if you're in R.O.China (Taiwan).
Alternative Domain: You can always replace 'recolic.net' with 'recolic.cc'. For example, https://recolic.net to https://recolic.cc,
[email protected] to
[email protected], https://drive.recolic.net to https://drive.recolic.cc, git.recolic.net:22 to git.recolic.cc:22, smtp.recolic.net to smtp.recolic.cc. They share all user info.
Fuck CPC, Fight for Internet.